Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Is Mesa boring?

In a fairly ludicrous survey, the City of Mesa was listed as Forbes Magazine's "most boring city," which according to the story, is based on the number of national news stories written about Mesa.

Its not clear if we should be rooting for more national attention, because as the article keenly observes that national media is not always good news. Afterall, the main national stories about Mesa from last year were Arpaio raiding City hall and the Gaylord project. One good and one bad. That doesn't even mention the serial killer water and ice store owner, or the fact that Mesa passed the first property tax in over 50 years.

I don't think anyone in Mesa would like to trade spots with Detroit right now, which is in the middle of a terrible breakdown of the auto industry. In all the magazine report is just another one of those silly things that don't really mean anything, but it certainly doesn't add to Mesa's reputation.

It just goes to show that there is still a long way to go in changing perceptions about Mesa and although there are a lot of positive things going on right now, the work is not over. However, I think Mesa has had its priorities straight getting its financial house in order and persuing economic opportunities instead of focusing on gaining the national spotlight.

1 comment:

arizona carpet cleaners said...

Ha Ha - I just read an article on Yahoo that said boring people live longer. Take that national survey!!

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