Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas lights with a message

As most people have, I have been to the cul de sac near Guadalupe and Country club with all of the Christmas lights several times. We haven't been for a few years, but I remember the house with the walking path in the backyard with the life of Christ and some sort of message about 9-11. I guess its put together by a local pastor who lives in the house and he has now been doing it for six years.

If you have never been, I would recommend checking it out, especially if your family has a tradition of going out and looking at Christmas lights. Every year, we used to go out and look at the downtown Christmas displays and then check out the lights at the Temple. When the displays went away downtown, we started looking for other places around town to look at lights. I think that the one at Guadalupe and Country Club is one of the best because its not just one or two great houses, its an entire street that really kicks it up a notch.

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