Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I thought that it was interesting that Traffic came back as the number 1 problem in the Neighborhood meeting. I am not saying that they are wrong, but there are sure a heck of a lot of concerns that I hear out there from my neighbors and in the blogs and comments sections that point to something other than traffic.

I'd say that immigration is probably number one. Look at any comment section of any news story that has a stitch of immigration talk about it has about 5 times as many comments as any other story. Second, I would guess is probably Mesa's finances. We have known for a long time that the city is in financial trouble and people want to know whats being done about it. In fact, the traffic is probably a symptom of the larger financial problem of Mesa not being able to fix its streets.

However, I definately agree that neighborhoods should do more with neighborhood watch. You know what is going on in your neighborhood better than anyone else. So, take a little responsibility and help the police get the pulse of what is going on.

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