Thursday, January 10, 2008

Scott Smith is an "outsider"

Ah, I see how its going to go. Each candidate is going to get a puff piece this week, not over the upcoming weeks as I predicted. Here is the latest piece on Scott Smith from the Arizona Republic. Its an interesting factoid that no one has won for mayor without being on council first since the 1960's. Perhaps Smith knew this when he pumped more of his money into the campaign.

I don't think the insider/outsider thing is going to work so well, especially since Griswold is trying to do the same thing. He probably needs to do a little more to set himself apart from Griswold in that regard. I would be interested to hear more about his "village" concept, which I think might be one of the first real ideas I have heard come from any of the candidates.

I, like some of the commenters, can't wait until tomorrow to read the piece about Walters. Then we can see how these puffs measure up.

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