Monday, August 24, 2009

Important information through Twitter

Not that many years ago, it was difficult for parents to find out what was going on at school. They either had to call up the front desk, hope for some sort of newsletter, or check the local marquee to see what is going on. Now, you can log into a teacher's website, check your kid's grades online, get regular email updates, and the list goes on and on.

For those who want even more information, School Districts are experimenting with twitter as another way to get out information. We here at Mesa Issues have been using twitter for awhile now, and we are proud of our work on integrating "Twitter Friday," but it will be interesting to see how this type of information will do within the sea of randomness that is the average twitter feed.

Mesa Public schools has been one to take up this charge ( For the most part, the feed is filled with district announcements - anything from tutors needed to news releases. They haven't been updating it all that frequently, but it will be something to watch as the new school year starts.

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