Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mesa's Growing Twitter Force

Mesa has a lot going for it in terms of the twitter-verse. There are several folks out there diligently tweeting and retweeting on a regular basis about the goings-on, deals, restaurants, and other happenings in Mesa. As they say, social media is the next big thing, so its pretty exciting to see so many businesses and organizations in #Mesa doing such a great job.

Here are a few folks that you should follow if you aren't following them already:

@VisitMesa is the definitely the leader of the pack. Lots of very interesting information and quick to pass on any Mesa information including sweet deals at local eateries. Definitely doing a great job promoting Mesa and trying to attract people.

@MesaArtsCenter is good at understanding the goal of twitter. The copius amount of exclamation points aside, they do a great job creating a personality and communicating with various followers. Its a good combination of information about the Arts Center and social interaction. May not speak to the "highbrows" that come to arts functions, but that's sort of the point.

@MesaEconDev is the steady hand. We have to admit that Mesa Economic Development was the first twitter we ever really heard about, or even mentioned. We even added their feed to the blog for awhile. We have to admit that the tinyurls were confusing and looked ugly at the time, but now we get it. Its a great place to get unfiltered economic news from Mesa.

@MesaChamber is still getting into the swing of things, but with so many events always going on, they have embraced twitter as a pretty effective feed for upcoming events. It will be interesting to see if they move to individual and inter business communication in the future or if it remains more of a one way outlet.

@MesaUnitedWay is the new kid on the block, but it looks like they are trying to work twitter into their latest campaign called "Our Children Matter." They just started tweeting today, but it is certainly a good cause.

As you know, we are trying out "Twitter Fridays" to give quick hits on different items of the day and more social interaction. That is going to be the plan for the near future, unless there is any breaking news that should be covered.

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