Monday, October 8, 2007

Waveyard Myths ...Busted

Great editorial in the Tribune this weekend: Myths fall to Waveyard’s realities

The Editorial goes on to answer the concerns about water, the parks, and the revenue incentives deal. Here is the most important line:

"If Waveyard doesn’t reach at least $2 million in credits each year, the developers must pay the difference to the city out of their own pockets."

Mesa is protected and we get a pretty cool place to go that should attract people from all over. Plus, in the end, we all know that the City could use more revenue.

I can see the few same angry bloggers are booing and hissing over the Tribune taking a stance and answering the questions. Of course, as is their custom, they ignore the things that the tribune is saying and attempts to go on the offensive about the Tribune itself or the politicians who are supporing it. Its the same ad hominem attacks (look I did learn something in school) that don't prove anything, but make them feel better.

1 comment:

Shane Wikfors said...

Please contact Sonoran Alliance at