Monday, August 18, 2008

Someone in Congress is interested in Mesa

The folks over at put out a release today. Apparently, over the past month, someone from the U.S. House of Representatives has visited their site 22 times in 30 days on the Government dime. If you take weekends into account, that seems like a daily visitor to me. It just so happens that Kevin Gibbons has a relative in Congress.

This made me curious, so I took a look myself. Over the same period of time, the "information systems u.s. house of representatives" has visited Mesa Issues 24 times in the past month. See for yourself:

I did a little digging and I got very little traffic from that server, until about June of this year. Since then, it has been a constant stream, with it picking up the past 30 days or so. Do I think that a Congressman is looking at my site every day? I would be honored, but I doubt it. I wouldn't be surprised if an intern or a staffer is looking around the blogs under the auspices of keeping up with what is going on. However, that only works if its someone who represents Mesa. If so, who is doing the looking?

Either someone just got hired in June, or these guys only started paying attention once campaign season started to heat up.

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