Thursday, August 21, 2008

Flake finally goes to bat for brother-in-law

Well, Congressman Jeff Flake has finally come to the aid of his brother-in-law, Kevin Gibbons who is running for Arizona State Senate against Russell Pearce. See, the people attacking Pearce have been trying to connect Pearce to JT Ready, a local nut job who has some questionable affiliations with rasict groups. Ready's indiscretions were discovered months ago, but Flake, Shadegg and Franks have decided that the issue was finally worth addressing (Tribune story here), when the election is less than two weeks away and there is nothing that really could be done about it. Quite frankly, I am surprised for Flake to publicly jump into this game.

What is interesting to me is the timing. So, its revealed that someone from a congressional office is looking at and Mesa Issues and others, and suddenly two days later, Flake strikes back with a couple month old allegation. Is it coincidence, or did the line about term limits get under his skin?

And secondly, are we really to believe that Flake didn't know about Ready until last week? If that is the case, he must have some terrible researchers on his campaign staff. A simple google search shows the connection as mentioned in the New Times from nearly a year ago. I believe that this issue even came to light during the time when Pearce was exploring a race against Flake.

It seems utterly impossible for him to not know about it. This appears to me to be a backhanded slap at Pearce in an attempt to boost his brother-in-law who is behind in the polls.

1 comment:

Heath Reed said...

I have to disagree. Its a Marquee, not a 10 million dollar road improvement project. I think it would be better if they did have one, telling the general public what is going on at the arts center, something that will attract those who do not often look at what is going on in the newspaper or on-line. I think it is a good idea, especially with more people coming downtown.

Its hard to say it’s a good thing, but the city will spend money on things they need, and I think this is a need, not a want. To some, this might be wasteful spending, but I think the city in the past has wasted millions of dollars on horrible road projects and so forth.

I hope they put it in a good location.