Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Well Said!

I wanted to compliment Kym Levesque for her blog about the Higley School teacher. I agree that teachers live under constant scrutiny and walk a fine line where they hold none of the power.

I think the first part of her blog is well stated and right to the point. It is preposterous that this teacher is resigning over two "incidents" that seem minor - and almost ridiculous in nature.

However, I don't think that the school bond issue and the teacher expectations is quite the right fit. Voters weren't asked to extend the overrides to give raises to teachers and put more money in the classroom. They were asked to override the budget of the school district. The budget that includes a lot of bureaucracy and not a whole heck of a lot of efficiency.

When the overrides went down, the schools say that its the teachers who will suffer, but there are certainly other ways that the schools can cut back. And I am not just talking about all the easy things that schools usually threaten, like arts.

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