Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Rex Griswold first to file petition signatues

Former City Councilman and current Mayoral Candidate Rex Griswold has filed his petition signatures yesterday. The picture above is of him and his buddies celebrating outside the clerks office - super duper, gang! Just Kidding.

Griswold is the first out of the gate. I wonder if having his signs up so much earlier than anyone else helped him in his petition gathering process. Kudos to him, but I bet we'll see the other two file before too long. He seems to be doing the fundamentals right: raising the most money, getting his signatures in first. Seems like the guy might have some momentum.

The real question is, as a former member of the standing council, do people trust him to fix Mesa?


Unknown said...

Ron Burgandy is doing all of the campaigning but the facts will ultimately catch up to him. Mesa is broken and he's not the guy to fix it. You can't be part of the problem and try to be part of the solution.

MTmom said...

As I read through all these blogs as a way to educate myself on other's viewpoint, I am instead met with sarcasm and one's own attempt to be seen and heard. A blog is supposed to be a collection of thoughts, not a highschool slam book. The immaturity and lack of facts is staggering. Anyone who has served in any form of civic service knows that it isn't easy and that learning protocol, procedures, chains of command, etc takes a lengthy and annoying amount of time. Mesa doesn't have a lot of time to waste on a "newby". I think we are jaded by what we see in the national political realm. Civic servants don't clear 6 figure incomes, there is no "glory" in being mayor of is a position to be held by someone who has a track record of service. Rex Griswold has owned and operated a family business for 17 years-no small feat, he has been in the trenches before he even thought of running for the position of Mayor. He has "served" the community and the Mayoral position is not a big "payoff", it is a place where those who truly want to serve, can with some amount of power to change. Do you want someone who has a proven track record of service or someone whose buddies think it would be cool to have their friend be mayor?? This is not a fraternity, this is the city of Mesa.

Unknown said...

mtmom, I don't think anyone is slamming Rex Griswold and certainly not in this blog. In fact, I like this blog because the blogger is actually very good at covering both sides and layign out his collection of thoughts. Although Mr. Griswold's service has been appreciated- his proven track record is one of mistakes and bad decisions. Examples. MD Helicopters leaving Mesa- his District 5 to be exact. He never made even one attempt to meet with the CEO or help propose a reasonably rent increase. Check cashing stores. He has done nothing to stop the proliferation in our city. If you want more, just ask.
Finally, I want to make sure you are fully informed here. I know these are my viewpoints, but it's important to see things in others eyes. Mr. Griswold started running for mayor 6 months after he was reelected to his second term. Why so anxious if the election wasn't a year and a half away and there is no "glory" in running for mayor?
Very nice guy who served his District well, but not the right material to put Mesa back on the right track.