Friday, November 2, 2007

A true test of the trust in the council

Looks like voters are going to be able to decide on "Home Rule" in the upcoming election. Its sort of interesting how this debate is shaping up. By posing it as a budget cut question, I think that many people may vote against it because they'd like to see the council make cuts.

If you remember, during the property tax debate, the city council said that they were going to have to make a bunch of cuts if the tax failed. The tax didn't pass, and I don't know about you, but I haven't really felt a pinch. Those kind of empty threats, followed up by the appearance of a continually growing budget is what creates a credibility gap with voters.

I think that I would like to see some sort of deal cut where if people vote Yes on "Home Rule" the council will agree to make $50 million in cuts or something like that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's telling when a sales tax passes by the same margin that the property tax lost. I'm not sure the current council is ever going to have the trust needed to effectively run the city. I couldn't be happier for the March election and the chance to start fresh!