Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's Official - Randy Parraz supports Jerry Lewis

The group that paid for the Russell Pearce recall are now spending money to help get Jerry Lewis elected.  The recall group, spearheaded by Randy Parraz, spent $6,500 to help Lewis, after spending an undisclosed sum to place Pearce on the ballot. 

And that, in a nutshell, is the problem.

Jerry Lewis just can't escape Randy Parraz.  We have said from the beginning that he would be taking on the recall baggage.  Lewis has tried to keep the group at arm's length and disassociate himself with the recall effort.  Time and again, he has decried the recall and said that he is running for the "right reasons."

Everyone looked the other way while the recall committee cleared the way for a one on one for Lewis against Pearce.  It's going to be harder for them to look away when the committee starts spending money to directly support Lewis.    

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