Friday, June 27, 2008

Kevin Gibbons a No Show at District 18 debate

Got this tip from a reader:

"I went to the LD 18 candidate forum last night to hear the Senate and Leg candidates speak. I left rather unsatisfied though after Gibbonswas a no show. I guess theyre going to send him the questions and passalong any answers they get from him. few of the 50 + people therewere vocal in saying they wouldn't vote for him regardless since he didnt have the courtesy to show up."

So Kevin Gibbons, the guy who is challenging Russell Pearce for State Senate didn't bother to show up to the debate last night. This sounds like a pretty big deal. After all, he is trying to represent the District in the legislature and to do that, he has to become the Republican nominee. You'd think he would take an opportunity to talk to Republicans.

I didn't know until a little bit ago that Gibbons is actually Jeff Flake's brother-in-law which I guess makes him qualified to hold office. This smacks of payback from when Pearce considered running against Flake. You would think if he was serious about this, he would attend meetings and debates.

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incognito said...
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