Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Undervote in Mesa Race

Wow, missed this yesterday. I didn't realize that there was a dramatic undervote in the Mesa City Council Races. I would be interested to know if there is a big difference between the undervotes in the early ballots and those in the election day voters. You would think that people with early ballots in their hands wouldn't use the "I don't know enough" excuse to not vote.

Heck, during the council races, I had lots of search traffic on this blog from people trying to learn more about the candidates. There was a lot of interest during that time, especially in the Richins/Tolman race. In fact, I still get a lot of Richins and Tolman name search traffic. If you have internet access and an early ballot, there should be no reason for you to not vote in the race. Yet, it still happens.

That's totally interesting to me. Will there be an undervote in District 5 again with Higgins and Austin on the ballot in the run off? There was 17% of the people who didn't pick a council candidate last time around.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Sorry for so many Richins is part of my narcissistic tendency to see my name on your blog...
