Thursday, April 24, 2008

Democrat Activists for Rex Griswold

Well, I think we finally know who was doing the polling in Mesa. After what I heard today, it certainly must be Rex Griswold, and its my guess that he found out that he is pretty far behind.

I have had a couple of people tell me that they got an interesting phone call from some Democrat supporting Rex Griswold talking about how he is the "independent voice." I thought it was a curious strategy for conservative Mesa, and I became even more confused when I heard the actual message that has been posted on Rex Griswold watch. Listen for yourself:

I have to assume that this call is intended for Democrats in Mesa. I don't know how many Democrat activists there are in Mesa, but hey, that's besides the point. What is interesting is two times in a row, the caller proceeds to call Griswold "independent," as if that would help her get over the fact that its an activist using her credentials as a Democrat to call on behalf of a Republican. Do you think Griswold told her that the Police and Fire Unions were behind Smith?

She then proceeds to invoke the names of Matt Salmon and Russell Pearce as the "political power brokers" behind Smith (perhaps Smith should pay Griswold's campaign for the free publicity). She non-chalantly adds, "And the same people who have been running city government for years."

Like who? Does he mean Claudia Walters? If that's what his campaign is going for, wouldn't Rex Griswold be among the same people who have been running the government for years? Also, is he trying to insinuate that Smith is more "republicany" than Griswold is, and thus, the lesser of two evils?

I don't know if any of this is working, but clearly Griswold is behind and he knows it. He has taken the risky approach to go after Smith as the "insider" while trying to paint himself as an "outsider." This is the same guy who has sat at every council meeting for the past 5 years and been a leader on nothing.

He prides himself on answering his own phone, yet very little changed under his watch. Does he mean to say that these problems only recently started - no one ever called him on his cell phone about all of this?

Will this risky strategy work? I have my doubts. Besides, what does it do over the longrun? He has now pretty much called everyone endorsing Smith (including the majority of the new council) a bunch of political power brokers and good ol' boys. What's that going to do to a working relationship?

I would much rather he try to prove to the electorate on why he is the best candidate instead of focusing all of his time trying to trick fringe elements into supporting him.


MTmom said...

I heard the phone message and was caught off guard too. But I did go and research the names given..Salmon and Pearce. Bad news bears. This is the kind of stuff voters are afraid of....old family friends who have done things their way for years. Its almost like a political have to be born in to the "family" to get support. Someone like Griswold must be like a "bull in THEIR china shop" knocking over all their carefully displayed deals and upsetting their hidden and more discreet dealings that the dumb little citizens need not know about. Griswold may not be as savvy politically as Smith nor as polished ( a little on the cheesy side and he could be a little more empassioned because that is what we expect from a "politcian" right??) BUT aside from his lack of "political social graces" He does have an honesty and a naive grass roots ideal that is quite refreshing and just may be what the doctor ordered for stale, staunchy, mafioso Mesa politics. What does Mesa have to lose, if Griswold stinks, I promise you that the underground Mesa powers that be will already have another golden boy groomed and ready to go and we can start all over again. I am going to gamble on someone new,someone not up their eyeballs in favors owed in exchange for an endorsement. That is POSITIVE CHANGE...Mesa needs some.

Unknown said...

Mtmom, let me remind you of one thing- GRISWOLD HAS BEEN ON THE COUNCIL FOR 5 YEARS!! You can't be an insider and an outsider at the same time!

Unknown said...

My wife attended the Mesa Grande/Republic debate the other night. After a few pot shots at Smith for being a developer and being in the back pockets of developers- Smith brought up the fact that Griswold has taken over $30,000 from developers in this election. Pretty interesting to me and actually downright hypocritical. Is he now going to refund the $30,000?