Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Debate Review

I do have to say that its sort of funny that I am posting the Tribune's review of the Arizona Republic debate. ETA, here is the Republic's take on the debate.

Also, the Tribune is doing their own debate tonight at 6pm at EVIT.

I tuned in and watched part of the debate on TV. I am sure they will replay it a couple times between now and the election and so I will have to try to watch the whole thing. Overall, I thought that both candidates did a good job sticking to the issues. I heard Griswold try to tag Smith with the "developer" thing once in his speech, a theme which it sounds like he tried to repeat throughout the night.

It sounds like I tuned it right at the good time because I was able to catch the MD helicopters discussion live. I thought it was interesting that Griswold is now saying that he was unable to negotiate with the people though he did meet with them. Smith called him out on it saying that its a different story than he was saying before. I have had several people tell me that they heard Griswold say that he didn't care if MD left at a forum during the primary.

Beyond that, there didn't appear to be all that much difference between the two candidates and their answers. It seemed like Griswold takes credit for everything that has been done in the past few years and Smith knows how to do anything because of his private experience.

From everything I have seen so far, this whole thing is going to come down to who do people trust to lead Mesa?

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