Friday, March 28, 2008

What is up with Blake Herzog?

Blake Herzog seems to have a serious thing for anyone who works at the city. She has an opinion on everything, and they post it in on and near every article on the Tribune website. Its hard to escape Herzog's opinion on something.

Before the primary election, she wrote a blog singing the praises of both Walters and Griswold. I may be wrong, but it appeared like she was leaning towards Walters because of the neighborhood experience. When Walters endorsed Smith, Herzog points to it as if it might be the kiss of death for him. She called Walters' defeat a "backlash" which I thought was interesting because it made no mention of Griswold's second place finish.

Not even a week later, the Tribune posts a fairly decent article that talks about both candidates having plans and she comes out with this blog entry criticizing Smith for a lack of details. I looked back at the article, and both candidates seemed to have some general plans and some specific ones. Bear in mind, I wasn't at the meeting, but it sure seems like she is taking Smith to task for things that she is giving Griswold a pass on.

What's the deal with that?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Blake Herzog is a bitter woman who has lived her life in as a sheltered journalist. She's part of that "should have paid you dues on the council" group that can't get past the old way of doing things even when you show them hard facts. She has no clue what leadership is because, once again- she's a journalist and has never worked for a real company. She's used to having an editor tell her what story to chase and then writing about it. If you read the back and forth on some of her blogs, she fails to even answer legitimate questions posed to her. This isn't meant to be a slam Herzog comment, but I feel dumber after reading her blogs so I feel this might make us even.