Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sign thieves

Is anyone else sick of the signs around town? Well, apparently so, because the signs seem to be disappearing at record pace. I would assume that some are being stolen by people who want to use them for painting, building a dog house or something. I would also assume that some people think the election is already over, and so they are taking down what they think are just eyesores. However, its interesting to see so many signs pop back up only to go missing again. There are a few signs that have gone missing several times only to get replaced a week or so later. Thats a lot of work, from what I can tell of those guys on the side of the road pounding in posts and dragging those big things around.

It sounds to me like someone is going around and purposely stealing signs. Which at $50 bucks a pop, is a big deal.

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