Monday, May 12, 2008

Cutting secret deals on the Transit plan

The Governor is giving up impact fees to homebuilders to bribe them into paying for the campaign for her $42 billion tax increase. You hear about these kinds of deals from time to time, but mostly it seems like there just rumors or an unspoken agreement. However this time, the Tribune even has a copy of the letter that lays out the agreement between the two groups. That seems like bad news.

There are couple folks who have already weighed in on this topic, with Espresso Pundit calling it Chicago style politics and the folks at the House GOP blog calling it a backroom deal. However, I am more surprised that there isn't more outrage about something like this. The Governor is looking to raise the state sales tax by 1 cent and is letting developers off the hook at the same time. This plan she is proposing better be a doozy because this thing certainly doesn't look like its starting off on the right foot.

1 comment:

Daniel R. Patterson, Editor said...

See also: