The folks behind Waveyard have finally popped up their heads,
to tell Mesa that they need more time. It has been
six months since we last heard from them, and since they continue to fail to build goodwill within the community, it's not that big of a surprise that the rumblings about letting the deal expire are starting to grow.
Before people run to get their pitchforks, remember that Mesa does not have to invest any money in this project. The City is not out any money, nor would they be if they waited. The ballfields, golf course, and park would just continue on uniterrupted. So, Mesa really doesn't really risk much.
However, the question on if two years is too long is a legitimate one.
We just discussed how if Mesa was to build a new spring training facility,
it should be near a freeway. This location is near the intersection of two. This location is valuable, and perhaps it's time to start at least considering other alternatives.
Waveyard is still potentially an amazing attraction and destination unlike anything that has been done before. Mesa would do right to give them some more time, say 6 months, to see what they come back with. The project was voter approved, and respecting the will of the voters is always the way to go.
In the meantime, it would behoove city leaders to consider other alternatives, so if Waveyard is not delivered as promised, there are some ways to avert voter disappointment. Once again, it could be a way for the new council to step in and save the day.