I'd say that its fairly pointed on what their mission is. You have to assume that the same type of folks who donated to Gibbons (Pederson, Employer Sanctions opponents, Farmers, etc) will donate to this effort as well.
On the bad news side, the Arizona Republic published a guest editorial by Bob Hisserich connecting Gibbons/Stop Illegal Hiring/Wake Up Arizona during the time when Wake Up Arizona is under investigation for campaign contribution violations.
Also on the bad news side for Gibbons, he is also being questioned for his connections to the people behind the Governor's Transportation Initiative. Here is a release that came across the email:
Kevin Gibbons Trapped Between Barack and a Tax Increase
MESA – In the latest salvo from special interest-funded newcomer District 18 Senate Candidate Kevin Gibbons, he compared Representative Russell Pearce to Democratic Presidential Nominee Senator Barack Obama. To that notion, House Transportation Chairman Andy Biggs replied, “Barack Obama and Russell Pearce have about as much in common as Kevin Gibbons and a real Republican.”
Governor Janet Napolitano is a top supporter of Barack Obama. Her top fundraiser Jim Pederson and his family gave over $1,500 to Kevin Gibbons and over $10,000 to Barack Obama. Under intense scrutiny, Gibbons gave away Jim Pederson’s money. However, Gibbons has not given back the other $6,660 that he has raised from Democrats and backers of the Governor Napolitano’s transportation tax increase plan.
"At least 13% of Gibbons' donors are Democrats or supporters of Governor Napolitano’s TIME initiative,” said Biggs, “It’s tough to question someone else’s fiscal credentials when you have so many backers of expanded government and wasteful spending in your own camp.”
Kevin Gibbons has claimed to be a proponent of smaller government and cutting back on wasteful spending. However, he is supported by Democrats and those who are backing the Governor’s TIME Initiative, which raises sales tax rates nearly 18% for 30 years to pay for a litany of wasteful projects. Her plan includes $1.7 billion in giveaways to environmental groups and billions more to light rail and inter-city trains.
“Why hasn’t Kevin Gibbons come out against the Governor’s TIME Initiative?” questioned Biggs, “We know the Governor is willing to cut deals to get support for her pet project. Has Kevin Gibbons been convinced that investing in a statewide train service is a ‘critical’ transportation need?”
From the budget borrowing to the transportation tax increase, the Governor and Senate and House Democrats have placed a lot of future burden on Arizona’s taxpayers. Jim Pederson and others on Gibbons’ donor list have been helping push these initiatives.
Biggs concluded, “If Kevin Gibbons wants to run as a Republican, it’s time for him to start acting like it. Support from people who advocate for this kind of wasteful spending is unacceptable for a Republican legislative candidate. He should give that money back.”
In all, those who have donated to Mr. Gibbons have also contributed nearly $35,000 directly to the “Stop Illegal Hiring Act,” not to mention the ADDITIONAL $38,000 in donations filtered through “Wake Up Arizona” which is made up of the same individuals. Their ballot initiative, if passed, would significantly weaken Arizona’s Employer sanctions laws.
Mr. Gibbon’s supporters want to abolish the required use of E-Verify and want to go back to the far riskier and much maligned Federal I-9 process which is full of fraud. E-Verify is 99.7% accurate and is working to help employers hire LEGAL employees easily in conforming to Arizona State Law. Gibbons would be mistaken to attempt to discontinue the use of E-Verify. My wife has been a Human Resource Professional for 21 years and uses E-Verify and attests to it’s effectiveness in hiring a legal workforce.
Returning to the old system would require Arizona to wait until the Federal Government has taken action against an employer before the State is allowed to take action. That would be unmistakably a step in the wrong direction.
What’s more, their plan eliminates the use of anonymous tips to help catch people who are hiring people illegally! If anonymous tips are good enough to report other crimes they should be good enough for hiring those who are suspected of being in the country illegally.
Gutting Arizona’s employer sanctions law is not something that the constituents of District 18 or the citizens of Arizona will stand for. Apparently Kevin Gibbons doesn’t want to revisit the law, he wants to gut it on behalf of the “cheap labor” donors who are bankrolling is campaign. The people of District 18 deserve better than someone masquerading as a Republican who has a workable, tough policy on illegal immigration enforcement and hiring.
If Kevin Gibbons wants to represent the people in District 18, Kevin Gibbons should remove his mask of being a Republican, be honest, and admit that the people behind his campaign are really the people behind the deceptive “Stop Illegal Hiring Act.”
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According to the release, the same people who have given about $2,700 to Kevin Gibbons have given nearly $73,000 to the "Stop Illegal Hiring" effort that will be on the ballot in November. No word from Gibbons if he supports the plan, but he is definately backed by people who do. So his donor list now contains people who want to change the employer sanctions laws, the liquor folks, and Jim Pederson. Perhaps he is the one cashing the checks made out to "Anyone but Russell Pearce."
MESA – District 18 Senate Republican Candidate Kevin Gibbons is in hot water again. Less than a week after it was revealed that he took donations from former Democratic Party Chairman Jim Pederson, it has been announced that his campaign has received donations from prominent members of the liquor industry.
District 18 Republican Chairman Matt Tolman questioned whether Gibbons' quest to raise big dollars has put his values at odds with those who he intends to represent. "It looks like Gibbons is willing to take money from just about anyone who will write a check," said District 18 Republican Chairman Matt Tolman, "We need someone who represents the citizens of the district, not special interests."
In all, Gibbons has already received $1,950 in donations from prominent members of Arizona's liquor industry. Donors Include:
"We need a champion who will continue to fight for liquor control issues," explained Tolman, "Someone who is committed to preventing underage drinking and supporting DUI laws. We need to know that the people who represent us at the legislature are not compromised because of deals they have cut for campaign donations."
Kevin Gibbons is searching all over Arizona for donations to run against conservative Russell Pearce for State Senator in District 18. Pearce has been a strong voice on fiscal and immigration issues and is running as a clean elections candidate.
"District 18 already has a candidate for Senate who has been a supporter of family values and a friend to the taxpayer," said Tolman, "He has the support of conservative groups and taxpayer organizations. Certainly more of a crowd that represents District 18 compared to Gibbons and his laundry list of liquor purveyors and democratic insiders."
Tolman concluded, "If I were Kevin Gibbons, I would get out the checkbook again and return the money to the liquor industry like he did last week to Jim Pederson. And if he is set on donating it instead, perhaps he should give it to MADD."
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That line at the end about MADD is pretty funny. I still maintain that if you are going to give money back you should give it back to the donor instead of spending their money on something else, but I guess that's beside the point.
You can see who donated to Gibbons for yourself. Its hard to make a comparison between how much Gibbons and Pearce have raised because one is running clean and one is not. However, there is a cutoff to how much Pearce will get, but Gibbons can continue to raise more. Will he continue to get more money out of the liquor industry? Who knows.
I am not sure how big of a deal this is, but it will be a concern of some of the conservative, non-drinking crowd in that area. One would think that it would probably be wise just to avoid that type of funding altogether. Between this and the Pederson donations, its not a question of IF he can raise the money, but maybe if he SHOULD.