Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gaylord is "is worth its weight in gold"

Don't believe what Gaylord can do for Mesa? Take a word from the people in other cities where Gaylord has built. Here are the phrases they use:

"Count your blessings, Mesa"
"Our returns have been staggering"
"It's brought larger conventions in this direction"
"a huge positive economic impact"

These are quotes coming from people in the hotel industry and from the CVBs in the local communities where Gaylord has located. This is not even mentioning the overflow that is brought into the community or the additional businesses that are attracted.

With this election less than a week away and the stock market at a record low, people are looking for some economic good news. This is the type of project that shows there can be real change on the horizon. There is hope for Mesa and its starting now. Our cuts hurt before others did, but we are now ahead of the curve and will lead the way towards recovery.

Let's hope the voters of Mesa see the wisdom in supporting private investment with a large amount of public benefit.

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